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What Peter has to say about ..... Friday 24th May 2024

Writer's picture: Robert Neilly Robert Neilly

Read 1 Peter 1:13-25.


[Photo by Nigel Lo on Unsplash]

I am going to focus on this passage for several Day Share blogs. The Study Bible I have on my desk has a very useful heading for this passage - 'Called to be Holy.'  This is based on the key verses - verses 15 and 16. 


As he who has called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, You shall be holy, for I am holy. [1 Peter 1:15-16]


I am planning to expand on the meaning and impact of these verses in a future blog. Today, I want to set these verses in their context by focusing on various lessons Peter is telling us about the Bible (the Word of God); God Himself; Jesus and finally those to whom he was writing. You will notice that I am not following the order of the verses. I am starting with the closing verses of the chapter.




What this passage tells us about the Word of God.


  • The Bible is the living Word of God (verse 23)

  • The Bible is imperishable which means that it is not liable to corruption and decay (verse 24) - it speaks of imperishable seed which comes through the word of God. (verse 23)

  • The Bible is the abiding word of God (verse 23).God's word will remain for ever. Throughout history many have tried to destroy God's Word but they have never succeeded and they will never succeed in destroying it. Peter takes a quotation from Isaiah 40 and makes the strong assertion that 'the word of the Lord remains forever.'  Humans are compared to grass which withers in the heat but the Bible survives all generations.

  • The Bible expects obedience - there are three references to obedience in this first chapter of Peter's first letter (verses 2  (obedience to Jesus Christ); verse 14 (as obedient children); verse 22 - (obedience to the truth).

  • Obedience leads to purity and holiness but this is in the context of sincere brotherly love (verse 22)

  • The Word of God affects the heart (love one another earnestly from a pure heart - verse 22)




What this passage tells us about God.


  • God is holy which means that He is different and set apart from us and is absolutely sinless and righteous in all His ways. (verse 16)

  • God is all powerful. He raised Jesus from the dead and this same power is able to change us (verse 3)

  • God is impartial - He has no favourites. (verse 17 - God the Father judges impartially]




What this passage teaches us about Jesus.


  • He is the Lamb without blemish (verse 19) - He fulfils the Old Testament type of the Passover Lamb (Exodus 12)

  • He shed His precious blood on the cross of Calvary (verse 19)

  • He paid the ransom price to deliver us (verse 18)

  • He was foreknown before the foundation of the world (verse 20)




What this passage tells us about the readers or hearers of this letter?


  • They were in exile - part of the diaspora - Jews who had been exiled to other parts. They were living in present day Turkey (Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia - Verse 1).

  • They were probably Jews but some have challenged this viewpoint and have suggested that they were Gentiles because of verse 14 where it speaks about the 'passions of your former ignorance.'  I tend to think that many of the references are intended for a Jewish audience. I would not be dogmatic.

  • They had heard the Gospel - the good news (verses 12 and 25)

  • They were born again (verse 23)

  • They were suffering trials (verse 6 and 7)


In the next Day Share I will look at what it means to be holy.


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