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Video - Jesus, the Son of God 20/12/2021

Today's video is a medley of two Christmas hymns - although their message is not limited to Christmas. They are both Anne Smith's favourites and again she arranged the music and played the keyboard. The readings are given by Janie, my wife. I want to pay tribute to Janie for her patience in putting up with me spending hours in my upstairs study working at Day Share. She arranged the readings for this series of Advent videos but she agreed to record herself for some of them. The first hymn is 'JESUS what a beautiful Name' and covers a range of titles given to Jesus. The music then runs on to the second hymn - Jesus, the Son of God.

The choice of readings are from different parts of the New Testament. Janie first reading is from Mark's Gospel chapter 1, which refers to Jesus as the Son of God, and then she reads from John's Gospel chapter 1 verse 14 - 'the Word became flesh.' The final reading is from the book of the Revelation chapter 5:11-14 and covers the vision of the Lamb that was slain in the midst of a huge number of worshippers encircling the throne and united in praise to Jesus the Son of God.

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