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Writer's pictureRobert Neilly

Still dark 01/02/2022

[Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash]

Then Jesus got up early in the morning when it was still very dark, departed, and went out to a deserted place, and there he spent time in prayer. [Mark 1:35 NET]

We have noted that Jesus is very busy in his service for God and for others. Mark is eager to record the incessant activity of the Saviour and the way one incident follows on from the previous one in rapid succession. We have often observed Mark's favourite word - eutheos or 'at once' or 'immediately.' But Jesus found time to pray. Even in this busy lifestyle he made prayer a high priority. I am embarrassed as I am writing this blog. I have not given prayer the priority it deserves. It is not hard for me to study the Bible - I enjoy reading and I love writing as you have probably guessed. But making time to pray has always been a challenge. In 2022, I need to spend more time in prayer. I need to develop the habit of spending long hours in prayer to God.

Here is a quotation from a book which has challenged me recently

The preaching man is to be the praying man. Prayer is the preacher’s mightiest weapon. An almighty force in itself, it gives life and force to all. The real sermon is made in the closet. The man—God’s man—is made in the closet. His life and his profoundest convictions were born in his secret communion with God. The burdened and tearful agony of his spirit, his weightiest and sweetest messages were got when alone with God. Prayer makes the man; prayer makes the preacher; prayer makes the pastor.

[Bounds, E. M.. The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds: Power Through Prayer; Prayer and Praying Men; The Essentials of Prayer; The Necessity of Prayer; The Possibilities ... Purpose in Prayer; The Weapon of Prayer (Kindle Locations 186-191). Wilder Publications, Inc.. Kindle Edition.]

Can I quickly bring this quotation into the 21st century by adding that God needs women to pray as much as men. But don't let this author's lack of political correctness detract from his important message. For 'men' substitute 'people' and we get the point. Jesus did without sleep in order to pray. He was awake and engaged in prayer 'early in the morning when it was still very dark.' When Bounds speaks about the closet, he is not speaking of the toilet - it is the quiet place where we retire to pray. I often waken up early in the morning but I find other things to engage my attention. He had no distractions such as mobile phones or social media. He did not need them. He was engaged in conversation with His Father in heaven. He took steps to avoid distractions by 'going to a deserted place.' Jesus would lack the comforts of my study or my bedroom but he was not interested in being pampered. His mission was to pray. What did He pray for? We have on record the text of one of Jesus prayers (Read John's Gospel chapter 17). If we are to take this as a typical prayer, it is not as selfish as my prayers. [Here are some Day Shares studying this prayer: The Hour has come 08/06/2021; What does John mean by 'glory'? 10/10/2021; I have brought you glory on earth 12/06/2021; Glorify me in your presence 14/06/2021; Gift from Father to Son 16/06/2021;

That they may be one 18/06/2021; Unity - the Divine Model 20/06/2021; To see my glory 22/06/2021; The love may be in them 24/06/2021]

The New English Translation has a footnote to the clause 'and there he spent time in prayer.' Literally, the Greek states that 'he was praying there' [William Barclay]. This is the imperfect tense and is used to describe something that lasted a considerable time. Wuest translates this as 'and was there praying.' When we are in private prayers, we should not be brief. We should have plenty to say to God. My team leader as a steward volunteer at Keswick Convention, placed a great emphasis on the different aspects of prayer. I am doing this from memory but he spoke of our prayers having elements of worship, thanksgiving, intercession and supplication. Worship is where we praise God for His greatness and worship the Son and the Holy Spirit for what they are. Thanksgiving is where we say thank you to God for what He has done for us - we should 'count our blessings.' Since promoting Day Share on Facebook I have been befriended by a large number of Christians from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Uganda, Nigeria etc. and the glimpse I have into their lives should make me grateful. Intercession is where we pray to God for someone who is not able to pray for themselves. We are praying on behalf of someone else - maybe someone who is too ill to pray or an unbeliever who does not pray to God. Supplication is a very specific request which we make to God. We make a special plea to God.

I want to finish off today's blog with another challenge from the old book by E.M. Bounds:

The pulpit of this day is weak in praying. The pride of learning is against the dependent humility of prayer. Prayer is with the pulpit too often only official—a performance for the routine of service. Prayer is not to the modern pulpit the mighty force it was in Paul’s life or Paul’s ministry. Every preacher who does not make prayer a mighty factor in his own life and ministry is weak as a factor in God’s work and is powerless to project God’s cause in this world.

[Bounds, E. M.. The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds: Power Through Prayer; Prayer and Praying Men; The Essentials of Prayer; The Necessity of Prayer; The Possibilities ... Purpose in Prayer; The Weapon of Prayer (Kindle Locations 191-194). Wilder Publications, Inc.. Kindle Edition.]

[Photo by Eric Witsoe on Unsplash]

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Feb 01, 2022

A challenging and thought provoking blog Robert. I'm reminded of the following quotation I once read by Corrie Ten Boom: "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tyre?"


Unknown member
Feb 01, 2022

The early hours of the morning - my favourite part of the day! Linda thinks I should be sleeping but that time is too precious and I would not swap it for the world!

Robert Neilly
Robert Neilly
Feb 01, 2022
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I am an early morning person myself. Maybe not just as early as you. It is a precious time.

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