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She touched the hem of his garment - talk by Beth Easton Wednesday 12th June 2024

Today we have a video of another talk given by Beth Easton from her home in Polmont. She is covering the well-known incident where the woman with the bleeding disorder comes through the crowd to meet Jesus in order to be healed. Do you remember the old hymn with this first line - She only touched the hem of his garment and to his side she stole? I have quoted the whole hymn at the end of this blog.

Beth Easton is a regular contributor to Day Share. She has been a Bible teacher at various conferences for Christian women for many years. She has also been heavily involved in running Christianity Explored Courses. She used to be active in SCEM - Scottish Counties Evangelistic Mission and Operation Mobilisation.

I have two other talks available at the foot of this blog.

Beth's videos are very popular. You can see them all on You Tube - simply go to Robert Neilly channel and you will find them. There are several men with this name on You Tube but it will not be hard to find the wee bald Scotsman.

She only touched the hem of His garment

As to His side she stole,

Amid the crowd that gathered around Him;

And straightway she was whole


Oh, touch the hem of His garment,

And thou, too, shalt be free!

His healing pow'r this very hour

Shall give new life to thee!

She came in fear and trembling before Him,

She knew her Lord had come,

She felt that from Him virtue had healed her,

The mighty deed was done.

He turned with "Daughter, be of good comfort,

Thy faith hath made thee whole";

And peace that passeth all understanding

With gladness filled her soul.

Maybe someone will metaphorically touch the hem of His garment and find peace and rest. He want you to trust Him completely to change your life and to set you free from your life's burdens.

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