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Writer's pictureRobert Neilly

Mary's part in Easter Sunday 31/03/2024

Updated: 6 days ago

Read John 20 verses 1 to 18.


This is a very well-known incident and so much has been said and written about the actions of Mary on the morning after the resurrection.  I am just going to jot down some thoughts for reflection and consideration.


Mary as an eyewitness

Mary  Magdalene was present at the crucifixion along with other women as eyewitnesses to the brutal treatment leading up to the death of Jesus (Matthew 27:56); she and another Mary was present at the burial of Jesus (Matthew 27:61) and she was present at the tomb and discovered that Jesus had risen from the dead. In fact, she was the first to meet Jesus after his resurrection. 


Mary's devotion to Jesus

It is evident that Mary was devoted to the Lord Jesus. She was clearly grieving the loss of the one she deeply loved. She was heartbroken and distressed - she is weeping and her grief affects her eyesight and her judgement.  I have to admire her for her decision to visit the tomb so early in the morning.  Probably, she is unable to sleep on account of her grief after seeing Jesus crucified.  She cannot wait any longer. She does not wait for other disciples such as Peter and John to visit the tomb in the garden of Joseph of Arimathea. She is not afraid of the possibility of being molested by those who were guarding the tomb. She is not concerned about the huge stone that was blocking the entrance to the grave.  She has only one thing on her mind - to attend to the body of her Lord and Master who had been so cruelly taken from her.


Mary's misunderstandings

It is easy to be critical of Mary. She was taken by surprise at the resurrection of Jesus even though Jesus had spoken repeatedly that he would rise again. She was surprised to find that the stone had been moved and she made the assumption that his body had been maliciously removed by some people.  Along with Peter and John she did not understand the Scriptures that predicted that Jesus the Messiah would rise from the grave. She did not recognise Jesus and this is worth discussing in some detail. It may be that he looked different in his resurrection body. He had a new body but he still bore the marks of his crucifixion. He was prepared to allow Thomas to touch the nail prints in his hands and the wounds from the spear in his side. But Jesus face had been battered and bruised beyond recognition.


Mary's reaction to the risen Lord


It was when Jesus spoke her name in her own native Aramaic (and called her 'Miriam') , that Mary recognised Jesus and she immediately responded with an Aramaic word - "Rabboni." Teachers (of the Law) were normally addressed as 'rabbi' which means 'master' and originally it was accompanied by the possessive pronoun 'my master.' This was a term of respect. But Mary goes further and uses a term which was reserved for the president of the Sanhedrin - the Jewish religious council. This really meant 'my great Master.' Bartimaeus uses this word when he addressed Jesus (Mark 10:51).  Mary is overwhelmed with the realisation that the one she had witnessed being  crucified and later buried in a tomb was in fact alive again. She uses the strongest word of appreciation available to her in her native language.  Jesus had to say to her, "Do not hold on to me." This would suggest that she had embraced him and was clinging to him. He tells her, "Stop clinging to me." Why did Jesus make this remark?   Mary was clinging to Jesus physically and Jesus had to remind her that he was about to leave this earth and return to his Father in heaven. Mary would then enjoy the bliss of a new relationship - as spiritual relationship involving all three members of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is the same relationship which all believers enjoy.


Mary's commission


Mary Magdalene is given a special commission from the risen Lord Jesus, the Son of God. She is entrusted with a word of encouragement and cheer to despondent disciples. Instead of clinging to me and trying to claim my attention exclusively, Jesus wants Mary to go to the disciples, whom Jesus calls 'his brothers' and tell him that he is going to ascend to His Father in heaven.  Mary is able to tell Peter and John and the others with the wonderful news, "I have seen the Lord." She is declaring that she is the first witness to the resurrection.

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