Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. [James 1:23-24 NIV]
As someone who is not happy seeing myself in a mirror and who finds staring at my face at the hairdresser an uncomfortable experience, I am reluctant to speak about the metaphor or word picture James is using in these verses. That's because I can do little to change my appearance even if I wanted to. But sometimes the look in the mirror should tell me to go and have a shave or that I needed to stand a bit closer to the razor as I have missed a bit of stubble from my chin. James talks about a person taking a very close look in the mirror which would not be made of glass but would be made of bronze or silver or gold depending on the wealth of the individual. The mirror would have been polished to provide a reflection but the person needed to look very carefully in order to see themselves. But it was expected that the mirror viewer would not ignore the image that they had just seen. The hair is in need of attention - a brush or comb needs to be used to make the person more respectable (not a problem I have!).
James is making a point and it has nothing to do with our personal appearance. Read verse 22 to get the message.
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. [James 1:22 NIV]
James was tackling an issue which has affected me for all the years I have been a church member. I have listened to many sermons being preached. How much has all of this Bible teaching impacted on my life? Has it changed my conduct in any way? Not just listening to the Word. I have prepared hundreds of Day Shares since September 2019 but have they made me more like Christ? There is the danger that we develop a greater intellectual understanding of the Bible but what is lacking is obedience. We are reluctant to obey the challenges which we find every time we read the Word of God. James tells us, bluntly as usual, that we are merely deceiving ourselves. Deception is from Satan and is how he brought about the first sin in the Garden of Eden. We should not be practising deception
James uses a particular word in both verse 23 and 24. It is the Greek word kataneo which means to behold or to look intently. I have highlighted the use of this word in red.
Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. [James 1:23-24 NIV]
They had made a real effort to see what they looked like in the mirror in James's comparison, but it was all a waste of time and effort. This is a real challenge to me this morning. I spend many hours in a small study immersed in the study of the Bible. Do I simply ignore all of this and fail to change my behaviour and conduct? Do I simply increase in Bible knowledge but fail to respond in obedience?
It is also a challenge to all those who read Day Share either occasionally or regularly. Has Day Share study of the Bible made any impact on our lives. Are we more like our Saviour? Are we less 'carnal'? Have we grown spiritually as a result of reading and studying the Word of God? The first week at the Keswick Convention is almost over as I am writing and this reminds me of the wealth of Bible teaching available to us in the United Kingdom. My ten years of volunteering at Keswick Convention brought me into contact with many really Godly Christians but, sadly, I also witnessed some conduct which was dishonouring to the name of Christ - and these were 'conventioners' or those attending the Convention. Before I adopt any moral high ground, I need to get on my knees and pray for sanctification and obedience to God's Word.

Photo by Arral Lin on Unsplash