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Writer's pictureRobert Neilly

He has done everything well 22/04/2022

People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” [Mark 7: 37 NIV]

"He has done everything well." This was the reaction from the crowd of amazed onlookers after seeing Jesus perform a miracle. They were overwhelmed with amazement when they witnessed a great transformation in the life of an individual. This man was deaf mute. He was profoundly deaf and this affected his speech until he encountered the Creator of the universe. The people witnessed for themselves a life radically changed.

The statement can be applied generally, however. Any Christian will acknowledge that Jesus has done everything well. Each believer has not only read with amazement the details of miracles which Jesus performed: they have experienced his intervention in their lives. I was very young when I came to place my faith and trust in the Son of God. My life was very different from Anne Marie's but yet my life has been transformed because Jesus has done everything well. Where would I be if I had never met Jesus?

There is an old hymn comes to mind.

Samuel Medley (an interesting name for a hymn writer) wrote this old hymn.

1 Now in a song of grateful praise,

To Thee, O Lord, my voice I'll raise:

With all Thy Saints I'll join to tell,

My Jesus has done all things well.


And above the rest this note shall swell,

This note shall swell, this note shall swell,

And above the rest this note shall swell,

My Jesus has done all things well.

2 How sov'reign, wonderful, and free

Has been Thy love to sinful me!

Thou sav'dst me from the jaws of hell;

My Jesus has done all things well.


3 Since e'er my soul has known His love,

What mercies He has made me prove!

Mercies which do all praise excel!

My Jesus has done all things well.


4 And when to that bright world I rise,

And join the anthems of the skies,

Above the rest this note shall swell,

My Jesus has done all things well.


This is a very old fashioned hymn and it is rarely sung nowadays. Bu the hymn writer has based his hymn on this incident which we have looked at in today's Day Share. Since we first came know Jesus as our Saviour, we have discovered that He has done everything well. He does not make mistakes. Everything he does is perfect. And this will be our eternal song in heaven - "My Jesus has done all things well." If you don't agree, you have still to discover the reality of what Jesus can do in your life.

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