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Greater than Moses (Hebrews 3) Johan Schep 07/03/2024

The Lord Jesus is greater than Moses

Photo by Alan Bowman on Unsplash.

The Lord had done such a great work in and through Moses. Once he was a murderer, but he changed into the humblest man on earth (Exodus 2:13; Numbers 12:3). Another beautiful truth about Moses which I appreciate so much is, that at the age of forty he made a decision to be a part of his ill-treated people (Hebrews 11:24-25). Moses was an important person, because he grew up in the line to become the next Pharaoh.

The Lord Jesus had glorified His Father here on earth (John 17:4). The Father would have accepted Him before the cross, but He said ‘not My will but Your will be done’ in the garden of Gethsemane. That showed me that Jesus as a Man had His own will (Luke 22:42). Jesus denied His own will and did the Father’s will and drank the cup. If He had done His own will, then we all would have been separated from God for all eternity.

This made such a great change in my own life. This act of His love gave me a holy hatred against sin. If you say: NO to your own will, you deny yourself and die to your self-life and take up His cross. Then you overcome temptation and will get the victory. Then you will do the Father’s will. It is here that we need the available power of the Holy Spirit and put our own will to death.

David could not kill Goliath without God’s power. Samson could not kill the lion without God’s power. We cannot put the flesh to death without God’s power either. But with God’s power we can. That’s why we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul writes about being filled with the Holy Spirit, before he writes about the marriage of believers. I cannot, but He is able, so I can. For this I have Jesus!

It is important to know what the Jewish people think about Moses. They esteem Moses, their leader, deliverer, and lawgiver, above the angels in heaven. The Lord spoke to the prophets in visions, but with Moses the Lord spoke from face to face. He spoke directly to Moses at the burning bush from heaven, and at Mount Sinai. Moses brought them out of slavery and to the borders of their own new land. Jesus had not delivered them from the iron fist of Rome!

They also thought that Moses had given them the manna. Jesus corrected them (John 6:32). The Lord had miraculously cared for Moses when he was a baby. The Lord had miraculously arranged for his burial, and during his lifetime he showed him His own glory. It even shone from his face (Exodus 34:29). The laws are sometimes even called the laws of Moses (Luke 2:22; Act. 13:39). Moses wrote the first five books (Torah) with the plan of the tabernacle and the meeting place in the holy of holiest above the ark of the covenant. The tabernacle with its priests, sacrifices, and ceremonies were an example of the reality in heaven and the service of the Person and work of the Lord Jesus (Exodus 25:9; 39:42-43).

They also thought that Moses had given them the manna. Jesus corrected them (John 6:32). The Lord had miraculously cared for Moses when he was a baby. The Lord had miraculously arranged for his burial, and during his lifetime he showed him His own glory. It even shone from his face (Exodus 34:29). The laws are sometimes even called the laws of Moses (Luke 2:22; Acts 13:39). Moses wrote the first five books (Torah) with the plan of the tabernacle and the meeting place in the holy of holiest above the ark of the covenant. The tabernacle with its priests, sacrifices, and ceremonies were an example of the reality in heaven and the service of the Person and work of the Lord Jesus (Exodus 25:9; 39:42-43).

John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus are both more than Moses (Matt. 11:11). John the Baptist always pointed to Jesus and spoke for the first time about the taking away of our sins by the Lamb of God (John 1:29). Moses brought them out of the bondage from Egypt (Ex. 3:8). Jesus leads us out of the bondage of sin. Moses is a forgiven murderer. Jesus is without sin. Moses only fulfilled half of his task, because he brought them out of Egypt but not into the land. Jesus fulfilled His whole commission and went all the way to the cross. Most people of the first generation that came out of Egypt, could not enter their new land because of disobedience and unbelief. Neither did Miriam, Aaron and Moses (Numbers 14:22-23).

Believers are in danger of not entering into His perfect rest. Whoever entrusts himself completely to the Lord Jesus and expects everything from Him, will enter into the perfect rest that He offers to us (Matthew 11:28). Our obedient faith in the Lord Jesus is the inheritance that we give to the world. I shall never forget Israel Harel, who gave his life to Jesus in Israel. He was addicted to drugs and was freed by Jesus’ power. He pointed out 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 to me. The most important truth is that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. I will never forget.

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