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Entering into God's Rest (Hebrews 4) Johan Schep 19/03/2024

Entering into God’s rest


[Photo by Karren McPherson from Dawson Community Church, Falkirk]

God’s promise to enter into His perfect rest could not be fully fulfilled in the Old Testament. The writer tells us that the promise to enter into His rest is still valid. It is so true that everyone who comes to the Lord Jesus experiences His rest. These Israelites all came out of Egypt, but they did not enter His rest because of their unbelief.

The sabbath is a shadow of the perfect rest in the Lord Jesus. When the reality came (Jesus), those shadows were gone (Col. 2:16, 17). Adam and Eve were righteous when they were created. They walked and talked with the Lord. They leaned upon the Lord and had no fears. They lived in His perfect rest. After the fall they became restless (Acts 17:26). Man after Adam is anxious. Before the fall there also existed no religions. They both walked with the Lord!

The work of Jesus is to bring us back into God’s rest. The gulf between God and man had to be restored first on the cross (Isa. 59:2). Rest is another word for life. His rest is offered to us. A remnant entered into it.



The next thing the writer points out is: Today! God’s rest did not come through Moses, Joshua or David, but through the Lord Jesus. There are leaders who promise their followers peace, prosperity and health. The Bible does not promise that. There are spiritual blessings and a spiritual rest. God’s rest is also reserved for the future, when we are with Jesus (Rev. 14:13). We must diligently strive to enter into God’s rest.

The Holy Spirit continues to address those who have heard the gospel and already turned their backs on Judaism, to embrace that step to enter into His rest. So far, that call has been negative! His Word is seen as that of the Judge with His two-edged sword. Now the positive part. The Lord offers us more than a way out of hell. The gospel brings us spiritual life and a relationship with the living God. Jesus is not only the Judge, but He is also our sympathetic High Priest.

There are three truths that make Jesus our perfect High Priest. His perfect priesthood, His perfect Person and His perfect provision. The high priests in the Old Testament were weak and sinful, and they all died. They all were no more than shadows of the reality (Colossians 2:17).

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