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Writer's pictureRobert Neilly

A dose of humility 09/07/2022

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. [Proverbs 11:2 NET]

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. It is better to be lowly in spirit with the afflicted than to share the spoils with the proud. [Proverbs 16:18‭-‬19 NET]

We have a similar proverb in our English language, "Pride comes before a fall." This is probably based on the two verses from Proverbs quoted above. There are three clauses which are, more or less, making the point that pride will inevitably lead to some sort of catastrophic outcome.

When pride comes, then comes disgrace (Proverbs 11:2)

Pride goes before destruction (Proverbs 16: 18)

A haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18)

Vladimir Putin has shocked the world with his pride and arrogance. His brutal and senseless invasion of Ukraine has caused devastation and bloodshed. Many people are hoping for his downfall. They are hoping and praying that these proverbs will come true and that justice will be done (including for many people, the downfall of this dictator). He is not the only dictator to have behaved in such a proud, haughty manner. In the 20th Century there were the two fascist dictators of Hitler and Mussolini and there was Joseph Stalin, the Communist dictator of Russia. Hitler set in motion the extermination of the Jews in German occupied Europe and 6 million Jews were ruthlessly murdered at his orders. Stalin was also brutal and ruthless. He exterminated a whole class of Russians - the kulaks (prosperous peasants) and destroyed all political opposition to his rule with a series of show trials. His rule was oppressive and brutally cruel. There have been many others since then - Idi Amin in Uganda, Pol Pot in Cambodia, Gaddafi in Libya, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe to name but a few. As we look at this list, we are reminded that most of them have now gone to meet their maker. Their proud rule is over. They are reduced to dust and their power has gone for ever. Vladimir Putin is not the only surviving dictator as there is still Kim Jon-un in North Korea, for example.

But we find pride in all walks of life. It is rare to find humility in those of high office though I had the great privilege of serving under a Director of Education who was a very humble man despite his undoubted talent and his promotion to senior rank in local government and education. He used to recount his fairly ordinary childhood in Dumbarton. I also remember other colleagues who could have done with 'a dose of humility' and in some occasions they did suffer downfall and humiliation. However, there is always the risk that we become triumphalist when we witness what we consider to be justice being done.

We all need to remember constantly the dangers of pride. It originates in Satan. It has no place in churches or Christian organisations. It has caused havoc in many churches.

There is one sentence from today's passages which we have so far not mentioned.

It is better to be lowly in spirit with the afflicted than to share the spoils with the proud.

There is the risk that we foster the celebrity culture in our churches by paying more attention to certain people because of their status and prominence. (James Chapter 2 deals with this very important issue) The converse is that we ignore other dear Christians or visitors to our church for social reasons. Are we willing to share with those who are suffering from poverty or hardship? Are we too concerned with our status and reputation to get our hands dirty supporting those whom Jesus would have helped? We will look at this topic in more detail when we study James's Letter.

O for a heart to praise my God,

A heart from sin set free,

A heart that always feels thy blood

So freely shed for me.

A heart resigned, submissive, meek,

My great Redeemer's throne,

Where only Christ is heard to speak,

Where Jesus reigns alone.

A humble, lowly, contrite heart,

Believing, true, and clean,

Which neither life nor death can part

From Christ who dwells within.

Here is a video of this hymn.

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